Journal Articles - 7 |
2017 |
Olson, G. M., Gao, H., Meyer, B. M., Miles, M. S., & Overton, E. B. (2017). Effect of Corexit 9500A on Mississippi Canyon crude oil weathering patterns using artificial and natural seawater. Heliyon, 3(3), e00269.
2016 |
Overton, E. B., Wade, T. L., Radovic, J., Meyer, B. M., Miles, M. S., & Larter, S. R. (2016). Chemical Composition of Macondo and other Crude Oils and Compositional Alterations during Oil Spills. Oceanog, 29(3), 50–63.
2014 |
Miles, M. S., Malone, R., & Supan, J. (2014). Evaluation of triploid oysters as a tool to assess long-term seafood contamination of oil spill-impacted areas. International Oil Spill Conference Proceedings, 2014(1), 1958–1971.
Overton, E. B., Miles, M. S., Meyer, B. M., Gao, H., & Turner, R. E. (2014). Oil source fingerprinting in heavily weathered residues and coastal marsh samples. International Oil Spill Conference Proceedings, 2014(1), 2074–2082.
Turner, R. E., Overton, E. B., Meyer, B. M., Miles, M. S., & Hooper-Bui, L. (2014). Changes in the concentration and relative abundance of alkanes and PAHs from the Deepwater Horizon oiling of coastal marshes. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 86(1-2), 291–297.
Turner, R. E., Overton, E. B., Meyer, B. M., Miles, M. S., McClenachan, G., Hooper-Bui, L., et al. (2014). Distribution and recovery trajectory of Macondo (Mississippi Canyon 252) oil in Louisiana coastal wetlands. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 87(1-2), 57–67.
2012 |
Gao, H., Miles, M. S., Meyer, B. M., Wong, R. L., & Overton, E. B. (2012). Assessment of cyclodextrin-enhanced extraction of crude oil from contaminated porous media. J. Environ. Monit., 14(8), 2164.
Book Chapter - 1 |
2014 |
La Peyre, J. F., Casas, S., & Miles, S. (2014). Oyster responses to the Deepwater Horizon oil spill across coastal Louisiana: Examining oyster health & hydrocarbon bio-accumulation. In In Alford B, Peterson MS, Green C (eds), Impacts of oil disasters on marine habitats and fisheries in North America CRC Press (pp. 269–294).
Conference Presentations - 18 |
2018 |
Adhikari, P. L., Overton, E., Miles, M. S., & Meyer, B. (2018). Evaluation of Molecular Ratios as Geochemical Proxies for Source Characterization and Tracking Weathering Processes of Hydrocarbons in Coastal Sediments Impaced by Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill. In Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill & Ecosystem Science Conference 2018. New Orleans, LA : 02/05/18-02/08/18: Poster.
2017 |
Adhikari, P. L., Overton, E. B., Miles, M. S., & Meyer, B. M. (2017). Effects of tropical storms in distribution and redistribution of Deepwater Horizon oil residues in the coastal Louisiana marshes. In Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill & Ecosystem Science Conference 2017. New Orleans, LA : 02/06/17-02/09/17.
Miles, M. S. (2017). Evaluation of the Distribution of Weathered Oil Residues within Louisiana Coastal Marshes Impacted by the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill using Real-Time Soil-Gas Probe Monitoring. In Clean Gulf Conference & Exhibition. Houston, TX : 12/05/17-12/07/17.
Overton, E. B., Meyer, B. M., Miles, M. S., Olson, G., & Adhikari, P. L. (2017). Weathering patterns of forensic biomarker compounds and PAHs in coastal marsh sediments since the 2010 Deepwater Horizon oil spill. In Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill & Ecosystem Science Conference 2017. New Orleans, LA : 02/06/17-02/09/17.
2015 |
Overton, E. B., Miles, M. S., Meyer, B. M., Hooper-Bui, L., Olson, G., & Turner, G. (2015). Oil source fingerprinting in heavily weathered residues and coastal marsh samples. In Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill & Ecosystem Science Conference 2015. Houston, TX : 02/16/15-02/19/15.
Overton, E. B., Miles, M. S., Meyer, B. M., Hooper-Bui, L., Olson, G. M., & Turner, R. E. (2015). The weathering and distribution of petroleum hydrocarbons along coastal Louisiana following the Deepwater Horizon oil spill. In Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill & Ecosystem Science Conference 2015. Houston, TX : 02/16/15-02/19/15: Poster.
2014 |
La Peyre, J., Casas, S., & Miles, S. (2014). Impact of Perkinsus marinus infection on eastern oyster responses to oil-contaminated sediments. In 106th Annual Meeting of the National Shellfisheries Association. Jacksonville, FL - 3/29/14-4/2/2014.
Miles, M. S., Malone, R., & Supan, J. (2014). Evaluation of triploid oysters as a tool to assess long-term seafood contamination of oil spill-impacted areas. In 2014 International Oil Spill Conference. Savannah, GA : 05/05/14-05/08/14.
Overton, E. B., Gao, H., Meyer, B. M., Miles, M. S., & Turner, R. E. (2014). Oil source fingerprinting of heavily weathered residues in coastal marsh samples. In 2014 International Oil Spill Conference. Savannah, GA : 05/05/14-05/08/14.
Overton, E. B., Miles, M. S., Meyer, B. M., & Gao, H. (2014). Weathering patterns for various aliphatic and aromatic hydrocarbons in laboratory biodegradation studies of both fresh and dispersed Macondo Oil. In Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill & Ecosystem Science Conference 2014. Mobile, AL: 01/26/14-01/30/14: Poster.
Overton, E. B., Miles, M. S., Meyer, B. M., Gao, H., & Turner, R. E. (2014). Weathering patterns of hopane, sterane, and triaromatic steroid biomarkers in sediments from coastal marsh sites impacted by the Macondo oil spill. In Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill & Ecosystem Science Conference 2014. Mobile, AL: 01/26/14-01/30/14.
Saranjampour, P., Overton, E. B., Miles, M. S., & Armbrust, K. L. (2014). Near Real-Time Determination of Volatile Organic Compounds in Air and Water Samples Associated with Dispersed Crude Oil. In 2014 State of the Coast Conference. New Orleans, LA - 03/18/14-03/20/14.
Saranjampour, P., Overton, E. B., Miles, M. S., & Armbrust, K. L. (2014). Near Real-Time Determination of Volatile Organic Compounds in Air and Water Samples Associated with Dispersed Crude Oil. In Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill & Ecosystem Science Conference 2014. Mobile, AL: 01/26/14-01/30/14: Poster.
Turner, R., Overton, E. B., Meyer, B., Miles, M., McClenachan, G., Hopper-Bui, L., et al. (2014). Trajectory of changing DWH oil in Louisiana marshes, 2010-2013. In Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill & Ecosystem Science Conference 2014. Mobile, AL: 01/26/14-01/30/14: Poster.
2013 |
Overton, E. B., Gao, H., Miles, M. S., & Shigenaka, G. (2013). Characterization of In-Situ Burn Residues from the Deepwater Horizon Incident. In NOAA-Emergency Response Division Meeting. New Orleans, LA January 18-24, 2013.
Overton, E. B., Miles, M. S., Meyer, B. M., Gao, H., & Turner, R. E. (2013). Weathering and distribution of petroleum hydrocarbons along coastal Louisiana following the Deepwater Horizon oil spill. In American Chemical Society National Meeting. New Orleans, LA, April 7-11, 2013.
Overton, E. B., Miles, M. S., Meyers, B. M., & Gao, H. (2013). Hydrocarbons in near shore coastal waters one year after to Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill. In Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill & Ecosystem Science Conference 2013. New Orleans, LA: 01/21/2013-01/23/2013.
Turner, R. E., Overton, E. B., Ashton, B. M., Miles, M. S., McClenachan, G., Hooper-Bui, L., et al. (2013). Distribution and Recovery Trajectory of Macondo (Mississippi Canyon 252) Oil in Louisiana Salt Marshes. In Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill & Ecosystem Science Conference 2013. New Orleans, LA: 01/21/2013-01/23/2013.