Investigating the effect of oil spills
on the environment and public health.
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Nektaria Ntaganou

University of Miami

Project List:

Southeastern Gulf of Mexico Processes Affecting Basin-Wide Connectivity and Hydrocarbon Transport: the Role of Mesoscale Eddies and Upwelling Near Cuba

Year 8-10 Research Grants (RFP-VI)Role: Graduate Student - PhD Level, GoMRI Scholar

Influence of river induced fronts on hydrocarbon transport

Year 6-8 Investigator Grants (RFP-V)Role: Graduate Student - PhD Level, GoMRI Scholar

Publications & Presentations:

Journal Articles - 3


Androulidakis, Y., Kourafalou, V., Le Henaff, M., Kang, H., & Ntaganou, N. (2021). The Role of Mesoscale Dynamics over Northwestern Cuba in the Loop Current Evolution in 2010, during the Deepwater Horizon Incident. J. Mar. Sci. Eng., 9(2), 188.


Androulidakis, Y., Kourafalou, V., Le Henaff, M., Kang, H., Ntaganou, N., & Hu, C. (2020). Gulf Stream evolution through the Straits of Florida: the role of eddies and upwelling near Cuba. Ocean Dynamics, 70(8), 1005–1032.


Androulidakis, Y., Kourafalou, V., Le Hénaff, M., Kang, H. S., Sutton, T., Chen, S., et al. (2019). Offshore Spreading of Mississippi Waters: Pathways and Vertical Structure Under Eddy Influence. J. Geophys. Res. Oceans, 124(8), 5952–5978.

Conference Presentations - 2


Androulidakis, I., Kourafalou, V., Le Henaff, M., Kang, H., Sutton, T., Chen, S., et al. (2019). Characterization of offshore pathways of Mississippi waters under eddy influence: observations and modeling. In Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill & Ecosystem Science Conference 2019. New Orleans, LA : 02/04/19-02/07/19.


Ntaganou, N., Kourafalou, V. H., & Le Hénaff, M. (2018). Topographic Controls on the Intensification of Loop Current Frontal Eddies in the Gulf of Mexico. In Ocean Sciences Meeting 2018. Portland, OR : 02/11/18-02/16/18: Poster.