Journal Articles - 4 |
2020 |
Magnuson, J. T., Bautista, N. M., Lucero, J. A., Lund, A. K., Xu, E. G., Schlenk, D., et al. (2020). Exposure to Crude Oil Induces Retinal Apoptosis and Impairs Visual Function in Fish. Environ. Sci. Technol., 54(5), 2843–2850.
2019 |
Bautista, N. M., & Burggren, W. W. (2019). Parental stressor exposure simultaneously conveys both adaptive and maladaptive larval phenotypes through epigenetic inheritance in the zebrafish (Danio rerio). J Exp Biol, 222(17), jeb208918.
Bautista, N. M., Pothini, T., Meng, K., & Burggren, W. W. (2019). Behavioral consequences of dietary exposure to crude oil extracts in the Siamese fighting fish (Betta splendens). Aquatic Toxicology, 207, 34–42.
2017 |
Khursigara, A. J., Perrichon, P., Martinez Bautista, N., Burggren, W. W., & Esbaugh, A. J. (2017). Cardiac function and survival are affected by crude oil in larval red drum, Sciaenops ocellatus. Science of The Total Environment, 579, 797–804.
Conference Presentations - 14 |
2019 |
Bautista, N., Crespel, A., & Burggren, W. W. (2019). Combined Exposure to Crude Oil and Hypoxia Leads to Transgenerational Epigenetic Inheritance in the Zebrafish. In Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill & Ecosystem Science Conference 2019. New Orleans, LA : 02/04/19-02/07/19.
Bautista, N., Crespel, A., & Burggren, W. W. (2019). Dietary Crude Oil Exposure During Sexual Determination Modifies Sex-Ratio in Zebrafish (Danio rerio). In Society of Experimental Biology 2019 Annual Meeting. Seville, Spain : 07/02/19-07/05/19: Poster.
Bautista, N., Do Amaral-Silva, L., Davar, N., & Burggren, W. (2019). Parental dietary crude oil exposure in the king quail coturnix chinensis leads to effects on offspring respiratory physiology. In Society of Experimental Biology 2019 Annual Meeting. Seville, Spain : 07/02/19-07/05/19.
Burggren, W., Bautista, N., Hamilton, T., & Ho, D. (2019). Blood-Brain Barrier as a Novel Link between Crude Oil Exposure and Behavioral Dysfunctions? In Society of Experimental Biology 2019 Annual Meeting. Seville, Spain : 07/02/19-07/05/19: Poster.
2018 |
Bautista, N., & Burggren, W. W. (2018). Herencia Epigenetica de la Exposicion a Petroleo en Peces: de Organismos a Moleculas. In Primer Encuentro de Becarios Conacyt. Washington, DC : 03/14/18-03/16/18.
Bautista, N., Crespel, A., & Burggren, W. W. (2018). The Zebrafish as Model Organism for Studying Transgenerational Epigenetics: Organismal, Physiological and Molecular Responses. In Physiological Society Meeting: Experimental Models in Physiology. Exeter, UK : 06/27/18-06/29/18: Poster.
Bautista, N. M., Pothini, T., Meng, K., & Burggren, W. W. (2018). Behavioral Consequences of Dietary Exposure to PAHs in the Siamese Fighting Fish (Betta splendens). In Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill & Ecosystem Science Conference 2018. New Orleans, LA : 02/05/18-02/08/18.
2017 |
Bautista, N., & Burggren, W. (2017). Epigenetic Inheritance of PAH Resistance in the Zebrafish (Danio rerio). In The Society of Experimental Biology – SEB Gothenburg 2017. Gothenburg, Sweden : 07/03/17-07/06/17: Poster.
Bautista, N., & Burggren, W. W. (2017). Epigenetic Inheritance of PAH Resistance in the Zebrafish (Danio rerio). In 2017 SACNAS Confernce. Salt Lake City, UT : 10/19/17-10/21/17.
Crespel, A., Bautista, N., Crossley, J., Padilla, P., & Burggren, W. (2017). Trans-generational epigenetic response of zebrafish (Danio rerio) exposed to PAHs: molecular, maternal and paternal effects. In The Society of Experimental Biology – SEB Gothenburg 2017. Gothenburg, Sweden : 07/03/17-07/06/17: Poster.
Martinez-Bautista, N., & Burggren, W. (2017). Epigenetic Inheritance of PAH Resistance in larval zebrafish (Danio rerio). In Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill & Ecosystem Science Conference 2017. New Orleans, LA : 02/06/17-02/09/17: Poster.
2016 |
Crespel, A., Martinez Bautista, N., Padilla, P., & Burggren, W. (2016). Epigenetic inheritance of Zebrafish (Danio rerio) response to PAHs exposure. In 6th Integrative Biology Workshop. Toluca, Mexico : 10/28/16-10/30/16.
Martinez Bautista, N., & Burggren, W. W. (2016). Parental dietary exposure to PAHs enhance survival of the F1 generation during waterborne exposures. In 6th Integrative Biology Workshop. Toluca, Mexico : 10/28/16-10/30/16.
Martinez-Bautista, N., & Burggren, W. W. (2016). Parental dietary exposure to PAHs enhances survival of the F1 generation during waterborne exposures. In International Congress on the Biology of Fish. San Marcos, TX : 06/12/16 - 06/16/16: Poster.