Investigating the effect of oil spills
on the environment and public health.
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Sarah Webb

Louisiana Universities Marine Consortium (LUMCON)

Project List:

Defining Ecologically Relevant Sublethal Effects: How do Low Levels of Exposure to Oil and Dispersants Affect Performance and Survival of Larvae of Gulf Nekton?

Year 3-5 Investigator Grants (RFP-II)Role: Post-Doc

Publications & Presentations:

Conference Presentations - 5


Chesney, E. J., Munnelly, R., Windecker, C., O'Shaugnessy, K., Webb, S., Duffy, T., et al. (2016). Toxicological testing with an estuarine icon, the Bay anchovy, Anchoa mitchilli. In Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill & Ecosystem Science Conference 2017. New Orleans, LA : 02/06/17-02/09/17.
Chesney, E. J., O'Shaugnessy, K., Duffy, T., Webb, S., Forth, H., Takeshita, R., et al. (2016). Toxicological testing with an estuarine icon, the Bay anchovy, Anchoa mitchilli. In Annual Larval Fish Conference – Early Life History. Solomons, MD : 06/19/16-06/23/16.
Webb, S. J., Saal, E. E., OShaughnessy, K. A., Tara, D., A., Portier, R. J., & Chesney. E.J. (2016). Effects of the presence of plankton on the acute toxicity and morphological effects of crude oil to larval bay anchovy (Anchoa mitchilli). In Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill & Ecosystem Science Conference 2016. Tampa, FL : 02/01/16-02/04/16.


Webb, S. J., Duffy, T. A., OShaughnessy, K. A., Portier, R. J., & Chesney, E. J. (2015). Effects of the presence of plankton on the outcomes of crude oil exposures of larval bay anchovy (Anchoa mitchilli). In 2015 SETAC South-Central Regional Chapter Annual Meeting. Lafayette, LA : 05/28/15-05/31/15.
Webb, S. J., Duffy, T. A., OShaughnessy, K. A., Saal, E. E., Portier, R. J., & Chesney, E. J. (2015). Effects of the presence of plankton on the outcomes of crude oil exposures of larval bay anchovy (Anchoa mitchilli). In SETAC North America 36th Annual Meeting. Salt Lake City, UT : 11/01/15-11/05/15.