Investigating the effect of oil spills
on the environment and public health.
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Stephan Howden

University of Southern Mississippi

Division of Marine Science

1020 Balch Blvd.
Stennis Space Center
MS  39529  


Project List:

Consortium for Oil Spill Exposure Pathways in Coastal River-Dominated Ecosystems (CONCORDE)

Year 5-7 Consortia Grants (RFP-IV)Role: Co-Principal Investigator, Task Lead

A Comprehensive Assessment of Oil Distribution, Transport, Fate and Impacts on Ecosystems and the Deepwater Horizon Oil Release

Year One Block Grant - The Northern Gulf InstituteRole: Co-Principal Investigator, Task Lead, Task Lead, Task Data Contact

Publications & Presentations:

Journal Articles - 7


Ho, P., Shim, M. J., Howden, S. D., & Shiller, A. M. (2019). Temporal and spatial distributions of nutrients and trace elements (Ba, Cs, Cr, Fe, Mn, Mo, U, V and Re) in Mississippi coastal waters: Influence of hypoxia, submarine groundwater discharge, and episodic events. Continental Shelf Research, 175, 53–69.


Greer, A., Shiller, A., Hofmann, E., Wiggert, J., Warner, S., Parra, S., et al. (2018). Functioning of Coastal River-Dominated Ecosystems and Implications for Oil Spill Response: From Observations to Mechanisms and Models. Oceanog, 31(3).
Soto, I. M., Cambazoglu, M. K., Boyette, A. D., Broussard, K., Sheehan, D., Howden, S. D., et al. (2018). Advection of Karenia brevis blooms from the Florida Panhandle towards Mississippi coastal waters. Harmful Algae, 72, 46–64.


Cambazoglu, M. K., Soto, I. M., Howden, S. D., Dzwonkowski, B., Fitzpatrick, P. J., Arnone, R. A., et al. (2017). Inflow of shelf waters into the Mississippi Sound and Mobile Bay estuaries in October 2015. J. Appl. Remote Sens, 11(3), 032410.
Dzwonkowski, B., Greer, A. T., Briseno-Avena, C., Krause, J. W., Soto, I. M., Hernandez, F. J., et al. (2017). Estuarine influence on biogeochemical properties of the Alabama shelf during the fall season. Continental Shelf Research, 140, 96–109.


Carmichael, R. H., Graham, W. M., Aven, A., Worthy, G., Howden, S., & Peck, M. (2012). Were Multiple Stressors a 'Perfect Storm' for Northern Gulf of Mexico Bottlenose Dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) in 2011? PLoS ONE, 7(7), e41155.


Howden, S. D., Barrick, D., & Aguilar, H. (2011). Applications of High Frequency Radar for Emergency Response in the Coastal Ocean: Utilization of the Central Gulf of Mexico Ocean Observing System during the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill and Vessel Tracking, in Ocean Sensing and Monitoring III. Proceedings of SPIE, 8030(1).

Conference Presentations - 35


Book, J., Parra, S., Dykstra, S., Dzwonkowski, B., Howden, S., Warner, S., et al. (2019). A Case Study of Inertial Oscillations and Diurnal Dynamics Offshore of Mobile Bay. In Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill & Ecosystem Science Conference 2019. New Orleans, LA : 02/04/19-02/07/19.
Hode, L., & Howden, S. (2019). Simulating Pathway Changes Under a Barrier Island Removal Simulation. In Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill & Ecosystem Science Conference 2019. New Orleans, LA : 02/04/19-02/07/19: Poster.
Howden, S., Hode, L., Cambazoglu, K., Wiggert, J., Martin, K., Dinniman, M., et al. (2019). Connectivity of the Gulf of Mexico to the Mississippi Sound. In Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill & Ecosystem Science Conference 2019. New Orleans, LA : 02/04/19-02/07/19: Poster.
Parra, S., Book, J., Moum, J., Warner, S., Dzwonkowski, B., Dykstra, S., et al. (2019). Wind-Driven Mixing of the Mobile Bay Plume in the Northern Gulf of Mexico Shelf. In Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill & Ecosystem Science Conference 2019. New Orleans, LA : 02/04/19-02/07/19: Poster.


Arnone, R., Jones, B., Soto Ramos, I., Howden, S., & Cambazoglu, M. K. (2018). Identifying seasonal trends in physical -biological properties and anomalies across the MS Shelf waters between coastal and offshore waters. In Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill & Ecosystem Science Conference 2018. New Orleans, LA : 02/05/18-02/08/18.
Book, J. W., Parra, S., Dzwonkowski, B., Dykstra, S., Warner, S. J., Moum, J. N., et al. (2018). Temporal Varying Spatial Patterns in Mobile Bay Outflow. In Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill & Ecosystem Science Conference 2018. New Orleans, LA : 02/05/18-02/08/18: Poster.
Cambazoglu, M. K., Pan, C., Parra, S., Soto Ramos, I., Howden, S., Wiggert, J., et al. (2018). Seasonality of across-shelf transport pathway patterns in Mississippi Bight. In Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill & Ecosystem Science Conference 2018. New Orleans, LA : 02/05/18-02/08/18.
Cambazoglu, M. K., Soto Ramos, I., Boyette, A., Broussard, K., Sheehan, D., Howden, S., et al. (2018). Advection of Karenia brevis blooms from the Florida Panhandle towards Mississippi coastal waters. In Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill & Ecosystem Science Conference 2018. New Orleans, LA : 02/05/18-02/08/18: Poster.
Hode, L., Howden, S., & Diercks, A. (2018). Determining the Variability and Accuracy of High Frequency Radar Surface Currents in the Mississippi Bight. In Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill & Ecosystem Science Conference 2018. New Orleans, LA : 02/05/18-02/08/18: Poster.
Hode, L., Pan, C., Howden, S., & Wiggert, J. (2018). Evaluating the role of Mississippi-Alabama barrier islands on circulation in the northern Gulf of Mexico using the CONCORDE synthesis model. In Ocean Sciences Meeting 2018. Portland, OR : 02/11/18-02/16/18: Poster.
Howden, S., Cambazoglu, M. K., Book, J., Soto Ramos, I., Meinig, C., Fassbender, A., et al. (2018). Cross Shelf Transport During a Mississippi River Plume Event in December 2015. In Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill & Ecosystem Science Conference 2018. New Orleans, LA : 02/05/18-02/08/18.
Howden, S. D., Sutton, A. J., Sabine, C. L., Cambazoglu, M. K., & Soto Ramos, I. M. (2018). Ocean Acidification Monitoring in the Western Mississippi Bight. In Ocean Sciences Meeting 2018. Portland, OR : 02/11/18-02/16/18: Poster.


Arnone, R., Jones, B., Soto Ramos, I., Cambazoglu, M. K., & Howden, S. D. (2017). Ocean Weather Laboratory – Identifying Events and Abnormal Bio-optical and Physical Properties in the Gulf of Mexico. In Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill & Ecosystem Science Conference 2017. New Orleans, LA : 02/06/17-02/09/17.
Book, J., Parra, S., Howden, S., Cambazoglu, M., & Miles, T. (2017). Observed cross-shelf transport and flow structure to the east of the Mississippi River Delta. In Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill & Ecosystem Science Conference 2017. New Orleans, LA : 02/06/17-02/09/17.
Cambazoglu, M. K., Miles, T., OBrien, S., Pan, C., Parra, S., Ramos, I. S., et al. (2017). Sediment transport influenced by internal waves near the continental shelf break of northeastern Gulf of Mexico. In 2017 AGU Fall Meeting. New Orleans, LA : 12/11/17-12/15/17.
Cambazoglu, M. K., Pan, C., Parra, S., Soto Ramos, I., Howden, S., Wiggert, J., et al. (2017). Cross-Shelf Exchange and Transport in Northern Gulf of Mexico studied with Navy Coastal Ocean Model, NCOM. In Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill & Ecosystem Science Conference 2017. New Orleans, LA : 02/06/17-02/09/17.
Dzwonkowski, B., Greer, A. T., Briseno-Avena, C., Krause, J., Joung, D., Soto Ramos, I., et al. (2017). Influence of Estuarine-exchange on the Coupled Bio-physical Water Column Structure during the Fall Season on the Alabama Shelf. In Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill & Ecosystem Science Conference 2017. New Orleans, LA : 02/06/17-02/09/17.
Hode, L., Howden, S. D., Diercks, A. R., Cambazoglu, M. K., Jones, E. B., & Martin, K. M. (2017). Response of the Mississippi Bight and Sound to the Passage of Tropical Storm Cindy Through the Northern Gulf of Mexico. In 2017 AGU Fall Meeting. New Orleans, LA : 12/11/17-12/15/17: Poster.
Howden, S. D., Cambazoglu, M. K., Book, J., Soto Ramos, I., Parra, S., Arnone, R., et al. (2017). Observed surface circulation and pathways over the Mississippi Bight with High Frequency Radars compared with in situ measurements, model output and remote sensing. In Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill & Ecosystem Science Conference 2017. New Orleans, LA : 02/06/17-02/09/17.
Howden, S. D., Diercks, A. R., Hode, L. E., Cambazoglu, M. K., & Martin, K. M. (2017). Effects of salinity variations on CODAR ranges during the 2016 Bonnet Carré Spillway Opening. In 2017 AGU Fall Meeting. New Orleans, LA : 12/11/17-12/15/17: Poster.
OBrien, S., Dykstra, S., Quas, L., Dzwonkowski, B., Howden, S., Wallace, D., et al. (2017). Characterizing Spatial and Temporal Changes of the Suspended Particulate Matter in the Mississippi Sound and Mississippi Bight. In Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill & Ecosystem Science Conference 2017. New Orleans, LA : 02/06/17-02/09/17.
Soto Ramos, I., Arnone, R., Weidemann, A., Cambazoglu, M. K., Howden, S., Boyette, A., et al. (2017). Bio-optical Water Mass Classification of the Mississippi Bight Region: Coupling High Resolution Satellite Data, Circulation Models and in situ Optics. In Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill & Ecosystem Science Conference 2017. New Orleans, LA : 02/06/17-02/09/17.


Arnone, R. A., Vandermeulen, R., Soto Ramos, I. M., Cambazoglu, M. K., Jacobs, G. A., Howden, S. D., et al. (2016). Ocean Weather – Interaction of physical and bio-optical processes across a river plume dominated shelf in the Gulf of Mexico. In Ocean Sciences Meeting 2016. New Orleans, LA : 02/21/16-02/26/16.
Arnone, R. A., Vandermeulen, R., Soto Ramos, I. M., Cambazoglu, M. K., Jacobs, G. A., Howden, S. D., et al. (2016). Defining Dynamic Bio-optical/Physical Events across the Mississippi Shelf and the influence of River Plumes for Water Mass Transport. In Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill & Ecosystem Science Conference 2016. Tampa, FL : 02/01/16-02/04/16.
Cambazoglu, M. F., Soto Ramos, I. M., Howden, S. D., Dzwonkowski, B., Fitzpatrick, P., & Arnone R.A. (2016). Inflow of saline offshore waters into Mississippi Sound and Mobile Bay in October 2015. In Bays and Bayous Symposium. Biloxi, MS : 11/30/16-12/01/16: Poster.
Cambazoglu, M. K., Jacobs, G. A., Howden, S. D., Book, J. W., Arnone, R. A., Greer, A. T., et al. (2016). Spatio-temporal variability of internal waves in the northern Gulf of Mexico studied with the Navy Coastal Ocean Model, NCOM. In Ocean Sciences Meeting 2016. New Orleans, LA : 02/21/16-02/26/16: Poster.
Graham, M., Shiller, A., Wiggert, J., Hernandez, F., Howden, S., Martin, K., et al. (2016). The CONsortium for oil spill exposure pathways in COastal River-Dominated Ecosystems (CONCORDE) --- Year one activities and results. In 14th Symposium on the Coastal Environment Meeting Title, 96th American Meteorological Society Annual Meeting. New Orleans, LA : 01/11/16-01/14/16.
Graham, W. M., Hernandez, F.J., Howden, S., & Wiggert, J. (2016). CONCORDE: Resolving the Role of Pulsed-River Systems in Oil Spills and Potential Exposure to Organisms to Toxicants. In Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill & Ecosystem Science Conference 2016. Tampa, FL : 02/01/16-02/04/16.
Howden, S. (2016). CONCORDE: Bio-phyiscal Observations. In Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill & Ecosystem Science Conference 2016. Tampa, FL : 02/01/16-02/04/16.
Parra, S. M., Book J., Vandermeulen, R., Howden, S. D., Moum, J. N., Weidemann, A. D., et al. (2016). Temperature, Salinity, and Mixing Variability East of the Mississippi River Delta in Autumn. In Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill & Ecosystem Science Conference 2016. Tampa, FL : 02/01/16-02/04/16: Poster.
Parra, S. M., Book, J. W., Vandermeulen, R., Howden, S. D., Moum, J. N., Weidemann, A. D., et al. (2016). Hydrodynamics of river plumes in the Mississippi Bight. In 18th Physics of Estuaries and Coastal Seas Conference. Scheveningen, The Netherlands : 10/09/16-10/16/16: Poster.
Soto Ramos, I. M., Arnone, R., Cambazoglu, M. K., Jacobs, G., Vandermeulen, R. A., & Howden, S. D. (2016). Characterization of the 3-Dimensional Mississippi River Plume Using a High Resolution Circulation Model Coupled with Ocean Color Imagery and Field Data. In Ocean Sciences Meeting 2016. New Orleans, LA : 02/21/16-02/26/16: Poster.
Soto Ramos, I. M., Arnone, R., Mustafa, C. K., Jacobs, G., Vandermeulen, R. A., & Howden, S. (2016). Coupling a High Resolution Circulation Model, Ocean Color Satellite Imagery and Field Data to Characterize the 3-Dimensional Mississippi River Plume. In Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill & Ecosystem Science Conference 2016. Tampa, FL : 02/01/16-02/04/16.


Gough, M., Reniers, A., MacMahan, J., & Howden, S. (2015). Observed surface current patterns influenced by bathymetry and wind forcing along the shelf of the northeastern Gulf of Mexico. In Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill & Ecosystem Science Conference 2015. Houston, TX : 02/16/15-02/19/15: Poster.


Howden, S. D., Barrick, D., & Aguilar, H. (2011). Applications of High Frequency Radar for Emergency Response in the Coastal Ocean: Utilization of the Central Gulf of Mexico Ocean Observing System during the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill and Vessel Tracking. In SPIE Conference. Orlando, Florida, April 25-29, 2011.