Investigating the effect of oil spills
on the environment and public health.
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Andrew Tweel

Louisiana State University

Department of Oceanography and Coastal Sciences

School of the Coast and Environment
1002-Y Energy, Coast and Environment Building
Baton Rouge , LA  70803  


Project List:

Coastal Waters Consortium (CWC)

Year 2-4 Consortia Grants (RFP-I)Role: GoMRI Scholar, Graduate Student - PhD Level

Post Macondo Well Oil Spill Water Quality Sampling - Barataria, Lake Pontchartrain, and Coastal Waters. Part 2

Year One Block Grant - The Northern Gulf InstituteRole: Graduate Student - PhD Level

Publications & Presentations:

Journal Articles - 3


Turner, R. E., McClenachan, G., & Tweel, A. W. (2016). Islands in the oil: Quantifying salt marsh shoreline erosion after the Deepwater Horizon oiling. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 110(1), 316–323.


Bodker, J. E., Turner, R. E., Tweel, A., Schulz, C., & Swarzenski, C. (2015). Nutrient-enhanced decomposition of plant biomass in a freshwater wetland. Aquatic Botany, 127, 44–52.


McClenachan, G., Turner, R. E., & Tweel, A. W. (2013). Effects of oil on the rate and trajectory of Louisiana marsh shoreline erosion. Environ. Res. Lett., 8(4), 044030.